Hapten-Protein Conjugates

Protein conjugates are covalently linked molecule-protein complexes, such as Aflatoxin-BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin). aokin offers selective coupling of nearly all molecules to proteins, with our synthesis department specializing in this technology. We produce conjugates using oximes, NHS esters, and other coupling chemistries upon request. Our standard offering includes mycotoxin conjugates such as DON-BSA, Zearalenone-BSA, OTA-BSA, AFLA-BSA, FUM-BSA, and BSA-T2. Additionally, corresponding Ovalbumin and KLH conjugates are available. These are used for immunological research and in pharmaceuticals.

An overview of all currently available aokin mycotoxin conjugates can be found here. For bulk quantities and special requests, please contact us.

SubstanceConjugateName ConcentrationVolumeOrder No.
Aflatoxin B1Bovine Serum AlbuminAFLA-BSA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-03-BSA
Aflatoxin B1Horseradish PeroxidaseAFLA-HRP~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-03-HRP
Aflatoxin B1Keyhole Limpet HemocyaninAFLA-KLH~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-03-KLH
Aflatoxin B1OvalbuminAFLA-OVA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-03-OVA
Aflatoxin B1customized productAFLA-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-03-X
Aflatoxin M1customized productAFLAM1-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-31-X
CBDcustomized productCBD-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-12-X
DeoxynivalenolBovine Serum AlbuminDON-BSA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-02-BSA
DeoxynivalenolHorseradish PeroxidaseDON-HRP~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-02-HRP
DeoxynivalenolKeyhole Limpet HemocyaninDON-KLH~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-02-KLH
DeoxynivalenolOvalbuminDON-OVA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-02-OVA
Deoxynivalenolcustomized productDON-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-02-X
Deoxynivalenol-15customized productDON-15-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-0215-X
Fumonisin B1Bovine Serum AlbuminFUM-BSA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-05-BSA
Fumonisin B1Horseradish PeroxidaseFUM-HRP~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-05-HRP
Fumonisin B1Keyhole Limpet HemocyaninFUM-KLH~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-05-KLH
Fumonisin B1OvalbuminFUM-OVA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-05-OVA
Fumonisin B1customized productFUM-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-05-X
Histaminecustomized productHIS-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-13-X
HT-2 ToxinBovine Serum AlbuminHT2-BSA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-08-BSA
HT-2 ToxinHorseradish PeroxidaseHT2-HRP~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-08-HRP
HT-2 ToxinKeyhole Limpet HemocyaninHT2-KLH~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-08-KLH
HT-2 ToxinOvalbuminHT2-OVA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-08-OVA
HT-2 Toxincustomized productHT2-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-08-X
Ochratoxin ABovine Serum AlbuminOTA-BSA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-04-BSA
Ochratoxin AHorseradish PeroxidaseOTA-HRP~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-04-HRP
Ochratoxin AKeyhole Limpet HemocyaninOTA-KLH~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-04-KLH
Ochratoxin AOvalbuminOTA-OVA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-04-OVA
Ochratoxin Acustomized productOTA-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-04-X
Ochratoxin αcustomized productOTα-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-04AL-X
THCcustomized productTHC-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-40-X
T-2 ToxinBovine Serum AlbuminT2-BSA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-07-BSA
T-2 ToxinHorseradish PeroxidaseT2-HRP~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-07-HRP
T-2 ToxinKeyhole Limpet HemocyaninT2-KLH~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-07-KLH
T-2 ToxinOvalbuminT2-OVA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-07-OVA
T-2 Toxincustomized productT2-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-07-X
ZearalenoneBovine Serum AlbuminZON-BSA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-01-BSA
ZearalenoneHorseradish PeroxidaseZON-HRP~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-01-HRP
ZearalenoneKeyhole Limpet HemocyaninZON-KLH~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-01-KLH
ZearalenoneOvalbuminZON-OVA~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-01-OVA
Zearalenonecustomized productZON-X~1 mg/ml500 µlCJ-01-X
Contract synthesiscustomized productX-X~X mg/mlX µlCJ-XX-X
Classification according to Regulation EC No 1272/2008 [EU-GHS/CLP]
Acute toxicity, Oral Category 4